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RRI Site Bookmarks - Bookmarking a post

Discussion in 'XenForo: How-To' started by A.D., Jun 19, 2016.  |  Print Topic

  1. A.D.

    A.D. #1 Custodian

    Reynolds T-Bone
    At the closing of each post on the board, there are two links that appear on each message. One is for reporting Spam, while the other is to Bookmark a post...

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    A Bookmark allows you to index an individual post you would like to re-locate at a later date, for further reading.

    With bookmarks you aren't alerted every time someone posts in a thread, as happens with watched threads. So if you bookmark a tutorial for example, you aren't alerted every time somebody posts 'great job' or whatever. Or there might be a really interesting post on page 12 of a long thread, and you just want to bookmark that one thing. :thumbsup:

    When you click on the Bookmark link, you'll get a prompt where you can type-in a brief reference note…

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    Since you can make a note about it, you don't have to try to remember what it was. It's useful for times when someone gives a gadget recommendation (i.e. Most efficient IGH, etc.) you want to look up later, without watching the whole thread. :cool9:

    To access your Bookmark List, just click on your username tab at the top right of a page…

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    and look down towards the bottom of the listing for it…

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    Once you click on Bookmark List you'll see something like this, and can access any post by clicking on the Post #…

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    From here, you can revise a note at anytime and/or delete Bookmarks you no longer want. :biggrin9:

    Note: Once you have Bookmarked a post, the Bookmark link will change to Unbookmark instead…

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