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Adding a Velomobile Forum...

Discussion in 'Board Issues/News' started by A.D., Feb 4, 2013.  |  Print Topic

  1. A.D.

    A.D. #1 Custodian

    Reynolds T-Bone
    I agree in theory, we just need the traffic to support it. In my younger days, one of the things that would cause me (as a user) to skip-over a particular board was if the newest messages in an area...were old. :sad9:

    By that I mean, go into a particular discussion area only to find the newest messages were like over a year old. Boo-Hiss! :mob:

    That said though, we'll always add new forums and/or divide up an existing forum into more pieces as the need arises for such. But based on the message history, 'I' don't see enough traffic to support a Velomobile forum...yet. :mmm:

    In looking over our existing areas, the newest thread in each is not over a month old :heelclick:, and over 80% of the forums have a latest message that's just around only a week old! :cool9:

    In searching for threads with the word 'velomobile' in them, this is what I turned up:
    2013 = 3 user threads + 2 NewsBot threads
    2012 = 9 user threads + 1 NewsBot thread
    2011 = 9 user threads + 8 NewsBot threads
    2010 =26 user threads + 9 NewsBot threads
    And I'm sure there are some additional threads discussing velomobiles by mfg or model name w/o the word 'velomobile' in them, but I'm guessing it's a minority of threads doing so.

    Anyway for the time being, I'm of the opinion we don't have enough velomobile discussions to warrant their own area...(again, as I said)...just yet.

    That could change at anytime though! So if it does and 'I' don't notice it, then reply to this thread (or drop me a PM) and say: "Hey, wake up Admin! Haven't you noticed all the velomobile discussions on the board w/o a (new) home?" :laugh9:

    Seriously, this thread is to kick the idea around and see what everyone thinks about such.

    Meanwhile Gary, be thinking about what you'd like to call this new forum when we do add it! :wink9:
  2. F-40nj


    scorpion fs26

    Hey guys. There seems to be a bit of haze surrounding where this term came from. I was sure that I originated it but then I read other peoples threads on another recumbent website I have since dropped (BROL - long story) and they were using the term. I think they read it from me and started using it. Not sure. I like to think and am almost positive I coined the phrase "Velonaught - Someone who "Drives" as the europeons call it or "Pilots" as us yankees call it, a velomobile!
    If thats too complicated, simply "Velomobiles" will do!
    The Oregon Human Power association forum calls it "Velomobiles as does BROL and recumbents.com so maybe we can be different?

    In my case it should be "Velomobiles and the F-40"

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