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Discussion in 'XenForo: How-To' started by A.D., Mar 21, 2007.  |  Print Topic

  1. A.D.

    A.D. #1 Custodian

    Reynolds T-Bone
    The process of Registering, first involves answering some questions and then an email is sent out to you (immediately or within minutes) that has a specific embedded LINK within it. Once you click-on-that-LINK, you're Registered! However, if for any reason(s) that email doesn't make it to you (i.e. spam filters, etc) here's more information about how to Re-issue the Activation email and/or complete the process manually...

    If the email to you with the verification LINK inside did not make it to you alright, then you can automatically re-send it to yourself from the Main Home Page by choosing RE-ISSUE ACTIVATION EMAIL under the REGISTER button.

    And if for any reason the LINK itself doesn't work in the email you receive, then you can always choose ACTIVATE ACCOUNT MANUALLY (under the REGISTER button on the Home Page) and complete the process.

    Either way depends on an email getting through to the address you've given though, since each activation email has specific information tied to your new account. So if you have SPAM filtering in place, you may want to check in whatever folder it sends the spam to -or- temporarily disable the spam filters and just Re-Issue the Activation email.

    And please, let me know if you're having problems or if I can be of any futher help.
  2. calboy147

    calboy147 Email Defunct

    Newberry Springs
    noname trike
    :jiggy9:Hey A.D.;Was just chatting with a buddy on the clean coast and told him about R.R.I.,and told him to sign up. He was trying to register but got an error page saying his e-mail address was not a recognized address.then after trying to figure that out he clicked contact administrator and after filling that out got an error stating his message had spam qualities,lol.whaazz up wid dat?
  3. A.D.

    A.D. #1 Custodian

    Reynolds T-Bone
    Most any public forum on the internet you visit, will be riddled with :spam:.(i.e. viagra ads, free vacations, diet pills, etc) In order to prevent it either takes a full staff of watch-dogs deleting such :anger:, or forcing new posts into a moderation que where it's approved before it's actually posted for all to see, or enough measures have to be in place to prevent spam robots from being able to automatically post, or a mixture of all the above.

    On here, I've made modifications to our software to prevent such spambot overruns, but at the cost of making it a little more difficult for new users to sign up in some instances. :sorry:

    Most every instance I've come across to date has been when a new user doesn't take the time to read the sign-up pages. For instance, when you're asked to type in Supine if you don't, that's the end of the road. It'll keep you in a do-loop until you do -or- you give up. Spambots don't do well at all with such things, but unfortunately some people don't either. :sad9:

    There are methods to circumvent that form and utilize it to SPAM users of the board and/or employ it as an outgoing mailbox to send SPAM out to people outside the board. :yikes:

    Understand the risk is if a hacker manages to successfully SPAM via that form, then the next thing is your email server will be black-listed and NO emails will be allowed to go through, even legit ones! As such, many boards completely deactivate the Contact Us section/link in order to prevent hackers from spamming others through it.

    I chose to lock it down pretty tight, but still let un-registered users contact us through it. But in the process, I refuse any messages with 'spam-like' qualities.(i.e. trying to post LINKs within such messages, trying to embed HTML code that performs redirects, etc) So without knowing what he was typing to me, I can't say offhand what may have tripped the detector.

    Anyway, I'm certainly interested in what his problems have been. :confused9:

    We don't do a live check for active/valid email addresses. My first guess is he might have typed in his email address using an asterisk rather than the 'at' symbol due to having seen the marquee scrolling across the top of the page?? Then yes, the board would bounce back and tell him there is no such email address, because a real email address has to have an 'at' in it somewhere.

    Anyway, if you can communicate with him relay me some specifics and I'll certainly look into it.
  4. calboy147

    calboy147 Email Defunct

    Newberry Springs
    noname trike
    Knowing i am going to sound like an idiot,i will say it anyway.that's all Greek to me.lol i told him to try it again later and to dbl check every entry before he submits.we'll see how that goes
  5. A.D.

    A.D. #1 Custodian

    Reynolds T-Bone
    ha, ha, Sounds fair enough to me then! :jiggy9: But yes, by all means have him give it another go, as we'd love to :welcome1: him on here soon.

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