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How to CODE: YouTube or Vimeo Videos in your posts

Discussion in 'XenForo: How-To' started by A.D., Nov 22, 2010.  |  Print Topic

  1. A.D.

    A.D. #1 Custodian

    Reynolds T-Bone
    YouTube Video preview screens can now be made to appear within messages on the board, with just a little additional coding embedded in your message when you post it.

    If you ever want, or need to, place a preview of a YouTube Video in your message, here's how it's done:

    Wherever you want the Video Preview Box to show up in your message, you have to manually :)sorry:) type in [ youtube ] before, and then [ /youtube ] after the Video ID. If so, a preview will appear as below once the message is posted...

    NOTE: The YouTube Video ID is the suffix following the LINK to YouTube for a particular video segment. In the example shown below, uMjeJ_KUvqw is the actual Video ID.

    So it would look like this:
    [CENTER][[B]_MEDIA=youtube[/B] ] uMjeJ_KUvqw [ [B]/MEDIA[/B] ][/CENTER]
    in this case, with one exception: There should not be ANY SPACES anywhere between the bracket symbols and the youtube wording.

    I have to insert spaces in the example here so you can see it, but normally the board hides the bracketed [youtube] syntax from view and instead places the video clip into the message. So to force it to show up here, I added spaces both before & after the youtube wording...however you do NOT do want or need to do that when you are adding the YouTube tags in your message.
    NOTICE: Do not place the entire URL between the [ youtube ] and [ /youtube ] tags, doing so will NOT work. By that I mean if you enter
    [ youtube ] [ /youtube ]
    NO VIDEO will be previewed in your message.

    :update: On XenForo, instead of vBulletin, pasting the URL will work just fine!

    ALL that is needed between the YouTube tags is a YouTube Video ID, nothing more.
    Finally, I've added a print screen of what the actual text would look like in the editor when you are entering your message and the youtube tags, before and after the Video ID.

    This is not quite as automatic as entering Strikethru or HiLighted text in a message, but it shouldn't be overly difficult to add a YouTube video to your posts if you ever want/need to.

    One other note of interest, some browsers won't properly display a preview of the YouTube Video.(i.e. older versions of MS-IE, etc) In such cases, the reader just sees a big, white, block (where the video should be) with no video, text, or error messages. :sad9:

    Because of that, you may also want to just post a LINK in your message to the YouTube video as well. Then a reader is guaranteed to at least be able to see the LINK you posted, and if they're using a newer browser they will also see the preview of the YouTube Video they can click-on to view.(see 2nd attached screen print for an example llike this, the LINK is just above and to the left of the YouTube Preview picture)

    See also: BB Code List FAQ

    Picture 59.jpg

    Picture 58.jpg [/MEDIA]
  2. A.D.

    A.D. #1 Custodian

    Reynolds T-Bone
    Vimeo Video preview screens can also be made to appear within messages on the board, with just a little additional coding embedded in your message when you post it.

    If you ever want, or need to, place a preview of a Vimeo Video in your message, here's how it's done:

    Wherever you want the Video Preview Box to show up in your message, you have to manually :)sorry:) type in [ vimeo ] before, and then [ /vimeo ] after the Video ID. If so, a preview will appear as below once the message is posted...

    NOTE: The Vimeo Video ID is the suffix following the LINK to Vimeo for a particular video segment. In the example shown below, 17300276 is the actual Video ID.

    So it would look like this:
    [CENTER][ [B]vimeo[/B] ] 17300276 [ [B]/vimeo[/B] ][/CENTER]
    in this case, with one exception: There should not be ANY SPACES anywhere between the bracket symbols and the vimeo wording.(i.e. [vimeo], NOT [ vimeo ] as illustrated above)

    I have to insert spaces in the example here so you can see it, but normally the board hides the bracketed [vimeo] syntax from view and instead places the video clip into the message. So to force it to show up here, I added spaces both before & after the vimeo wording...however you do NOT do want or need to do that when you are adding the Vimeo tags in your message.
    NOTICE: Do not place the entire URL between the [ vimeo ] and [ /vimeo ] tags, doing so will NOT work. By that I mean if you enter
    [ vimeo ] http://vimeo.com/17300276 [ /vimeo ]
    NO VIDEO will be previewed in your message.
    ALL that is needed between the Vimeo tags is a Vimeo Video ID, nothing more.​
    Finally, I've added a print screen of what the actual text would look like in the editor when you are entering your message and the vimeo tags, before and after the Video ID.

    This is not quite as automatic as entering Strikethru or HiLighted text in a message, but it shouldn't be overly difficult to add a Vimeo video to your posts if you ever want/need to.

    One other note of interest, some browsers won't properly display a preview of the Vimeo Video.(i.e. older versions of MS-IE, etc) In such cases, the reader just sees a big, white, block (where the video should be) with no video, text, or error messages. :sad9:

    Because of that, you may also want to just post a LINK in your message to the Vimeo video as well. Then a reader is guaranteed to at least be able to see the LINK you posted, and if they're using a newer browser they will also see the preview of the Vimeo Video they can click-on to view.(see 2nd attached screen print for an example llike this, the LINK is just above and to the left of the Vimeo Preview picture)

    See also: BB Code List FAQ

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