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Sit back and enjoy the ride on recumbent bikes

Discussion in 'News' started by NewsBot, Feb 23, 2024.  |  Print Topic

  1. NewsBot

    NewsBot Fetching Recumbent News

    I am a Robot
    Sit back and enjoy the ride on recumbent bikes SouthCoastToday.com

    We're careening down a residential street in Long Beach, Calif., stretched out like Olympic lugers, eye-level with a Labrador retriever racing alongside. Nestled in a tandem recumbent bike, Jonathan Dietch and I sail past carefully trimmed lawns and exuberantly flowering Monet gardens, over a carpet of jacaranda petals — a blur of purple below.

    People on the street stop and stare; some holler and cheer.

    "When I'm on my recumbent, people wave and say hi," yells Dietch, my driver and brakeman, over his shoulder.

    "Even the transients wave at me." He takes a turn, and we sail past a line of parked cars — door handles at eye level, but he's not worried. Drivers notice this bike.

    Fifty-year-old Dietch, a tax accountant with MacGyver-like tendencies, is taking me for a ride on a sweet machine, a candy-blue Greenspeed, GTT 5F recumbent, hand-built in Australia, with a custom Da Vinci drive train...

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