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Leaning Kinetic Tricycles

Discussion in 'News' started by NewsBot, Feb 21, 2024.  |  Print Topic

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    Leaning Kinetic Tricycles Trend Hunter

    The 'Cricket' is a recumbent Tricycle that is able to be steered simply by leaning side to side. Designed by French brothers Gaspard and Lucas Tine-Beres, the trike allows riders to lean back in a reclined position, stretching their legs forward to pedal ahead.

    Handles lie at either side of the vehicle, which can be slightly pushed or pulled while leaning to change directions. This trike allows riders to feel the speed they are travelling at, a rare sensation for those riding a recumbent tricycle. This design also enables users to "drift," which was a goal the engineering brothers had from the start.

    This recumbent tricycle is ergonomic, fast and efficient, allowing users to travel far distances in comfort. Referring to the Cricket as a "city snowboard or sledge," the designers hope that it will be used for practical travel in, or even between, cities.
    Trend Themes

    1. Leaning Kinetic Vehicles - The development of kinetic vehicles that can be operated by leaning opens up opportunities for low-cost transportation solutions and personal mobility devices.
    2. Human-centered Transportation - The focus on creating transportation options that prioritize user comfort and experience could disrupt the traditional transportation industry.
    3. Recreational Vehicle Innovation - The design of the Cricket tricycle for both practical and recreational use shows potential for innovation in the recreational vehicle industry.

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