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Overnight Bike Touring to Antelope Island, Utah

Discussion in 'Rides, Routes and Events' started by NewsBot, Feb 19, 2024.  |  Print Topic

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    Overnight Bike Touring to Antelope Island, Utah - Cycling West Cycling West - Cycling Utah

    By Martin Neunzert — I remember, a long time ago, when March was for corn skiing. But no matter, we will adapt and Evolve. Cycle touring is a good substitute, right? But everyone is SO busy, busily coming up with lame excuses like “work” or “yard work.”

    So could I design a unique early-season, shake-out micro-adventure? I certainly thought so. Antelope Island leaped to mind, although I didn’t figure on the Buffalo Run and a bunch of crazed birders. They got all the good campsites.

    Saturday was spent wheelbarrowing three cubic yards of bark mulch and finishing a report for my job. All week I had been throwing diverse things into the BOB trailer, so the final packing was quick. We met Molly (#Who’s-Crazier-Someone-Who-Thinks-Of-Things-Like-This-or-Someone-Who-Gets-Talked-Into-Them) at the start of the Antelope Island Causeway at 4:30 pm, smashing our best crack-of-noon start by hours and hours. Good thing the dozens of running and yelling Scouts were done for the day, I thought, but why did they still have so much energy? Then I heard: “OK, everybody load up! Remember, White Rock Bay!” Hey! That’s where we’re going!

    By 5:00 pm...

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