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Jetcycle reveals tri-hull recumbent ebike that hydrofoils over water

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by NewsBot, Jan 14, 2024.  |  Print Topic

  1. NewsBot

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    Jetcycle expands its lineup with the electrified E-Jetcycle hydrofoil trimaran.
    Jetcycle reveals tri-hull recumbent ebike that hydrofoils over water New Atlas

    One of the coolest human-powered water toys we had the fortune to look at in 2022, the French-developed Jetcycle is a recumbent hydrofoil water bike that soars over top the water via human leg power. Jetcycle seems to have realized not every potential water-cyclist is up for the task of vigorously pedaling over the water's surface. It's now adding a second model that kicks in some electric assistance to ease the burden on the rider's legs. The new E-Jetcycle also features a pair of stabilizing hulls around the main cockpit, further softening the learning curve for foil-cycling.

    Jetcycle's sit-atop kayak-like recumbent layout always seemed like a less intimidating way of trying to balance a pedal-powered vessel atop the water than the bike frame-inspired (or even integrated) designs we've seen from manufacturers like Manta5. But kayaks aren't always so easy for novices to balance, either, and having to continuously pedal to enjoy the foiling action also seems likely to prove daunting for the type of beginner who might otherwise be interested in taking a Jetcycle for spin.

    Jetcycle has designed the E-Jetcycle to address those problems and better appeal to the large percentage of the world's population that's never tried to pedal on – or above – water. It starts off by widening the platform into a trimaran setup for better stability and easier boarding and disembarking.

    The E-Jetcycle's main central hull...

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    JetCycle Launches New Foiling Trimaran Pedal E-BoatThe Triton

    etCycle, a French startup founded in 2020 that specializes in the design and manufacturing of pedal boats, is unveiling its latest pedal boat model, the E JetCycle, at bootDüsseldorf this month.
    The E JetCycle appears like a recumbent bike that hydrofoils on water. The new trimaran model is more accessible than the previous JetCycle Max, which was powered by pedaling and required “power, cardio, and balance,” said Nicolas Picard, the director of JetCycle. Picard led the development of the inaugural model, the JetCycle Max, in 2021.

    Recognizing that some users might need a boost, the latest E JetCycle integrates hybrid drive technology and offers a durable battery with up to three hours of autonomy. The trimaran hull provides excellent stability and makes foiling easier. “Intuitive flight and direction controls make it accessible to all users, complemented by an adjustable pedal system based on user size,” the press release states. “Moreover, the product prioritizes environmental friendliness with no noise and zero emissions.”

    The new trimaran model is heavier and has a “more formidable look.” The arms connecting the side hulls to the central hull serve a dual purpose — increased stability and a swim platform that makes it easier for users to climb back on board.

    “The ideal customer for our new E JetCycle product is someone who appreciates more sustainable water-based leisure activities while at the same time being in tune with the premium experience they are used to in the world of yachting and waterside resorts,” said Picard. It’s also a more manageable model for those who may have been nervous about foiling.

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