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Mono-track Bike made out of old car tire performs smooth wheelies even if you’ve got zero...

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by NewsBot, Oct 7, 2023.  |  Print Topic

  1. NewsBot

    NewsBot Fetching Recumbent News

    I am a Robot

    Monotrack Bike made out of old car tire performs smooth wheelies even if you’ve got zero skills Yanko Design

    Performing wheelies on a regular bike requires are special skillset and if simply aren’t good enough, then this DIY should interest you. All you need is a bent for putting together stuff from junk, and you’ll have a unique-looking monotrack bike to go crazy with.

    YouTube channel ‘Make It Extreme’ has shown what it can do with stuff lying around in the junkyard, and this time around, they’ve created a mini motorbike with just a single car tire.


    They call it the Monotrack Bike, capable of performing wheelie stunts even though you’ve never been good at it. By cutting the sidewalls of a recycled car tire and fitting it around a motor’s body, the DIY enthusiasts have surprised us. The tire acts like a tank tread for the steel track to have maximum grip on the tarmac, and therefore gives the rider freedom to perform extreme wheelies without the fear of losing balance...

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  2. TrikeExplorer


    Trike Explorer 4x4
    Very cool looking. It would be nice if this had pedals.

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