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DIY Electric Bike Trailer Is the Family-Perfect RV, Proving You Can ...

Discussion in 'Homebuilt and Modifications' started by NewsBot, May 23, 2023.  |  Print Topic

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    DIY Electric Bike Trailer Is the Family-Perfect RV, Proving You Can ... autoevolution

    With all our differences, we can all agree that, sometimes, less truly is more: you can have the best of times when not spending so much cash and hauling all that extra stuff you don't really need on vacation.

    Today's trailer is a good example in this sense, while also an inspiring instance of a DIY project whose main goal was downsizing and spending more quality time with the family while working. It's an RV but not for towing with the daily driver. It's a bike trailer pulled by a recumbent electric bicycle, and it was designed specifically for the benefit of the builder's two children. It can sleep two adults just as comfortably, though.

    The recent boom on the e-bike market has brought along an upgrade to bikepacking, adding comfort to the experience. The ability to ride farther and with less effort opened up a new niche on the market: bike trailers, which allow for a few more creature comforts at camp and extra protection from the elements. When you're not a fan of sleeping on the ground, even the teeniest tiniest teardrop trailer will do, and that seems to be the reasoning behind the increasing popularity of bike trailers.

    That said, bike trailers remain prohibitively priced, which is to be expected. Whenever you’re tapping into a new trend, you should expect to pay more for a product. Pricing is a non-issue if you have the skills or the connections to build one yourself.

    Fadi Hage is a landscape photographer from Montreal, Canada, on a self-stated mission of photographing all of the country's national parks. Because of his job, Hage is on the road a lot, mostly in his 2017 Jeep Wrangler rig, which grants him autonomy and the ability to go wherever he feels his next subject might be.

    As of last year, Hage has another, smaller rig that he uses ...

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