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The Ondo's WILD ride on New Years Day 2023!

Discussion in 'Ride Reports' started by bjjoondo, Jan 2, 2023.  |  Print Topic

  1. bjjoondo


    Colorado Springs
    ICE Sprint 2 SE
    There was still a bit of snow melt from the last few storms but we wanted to get in a New Year's Day ride! We headed up the Pikes Peak Greenway a little bit late so we stopped for lunch at a Smash Burger, got a classic and excellent sweet potato fry! From there we took the Detour Trail up to Criterium Bike Shop, what we didn't notice on time was the other side (it was in the dark) of the I-25 underpass had 1-2 inches of MUD, no way to get around it so we found the best spot and rode through, YUCK! At Criterium we pulled out our shop rags and proceeded to wipe off as much mud as we could. After that we ran slowly through some standing puddles to clean the tires of a bit more. We headed up to pick up the Cottonwood Creek Trail, snow and ice greeted us under the roadway, then it cleared a bit till we rounded a bend with the next part a very steep incline and of course it was solid ICE!! Decided to see if the new Schwalbe Marathon 365 GT semi knobby was up to the test! LOL, well yes and NO, the front wheels were straight on the trikes but the rear wheel was sliding constantly, ending up all the way left before I made the clear spot at the top! I locked the parking brake bands and headed down to help Jo get over the steepest part of the icy trail. It didn't take much and she too made the top! We had to spin like "mad men" to make it but we got the view of the foothills on top.


    We picked up the "no name" path that follows Nevada Ave. heading south, it was getting late so we headed over to Panera Bread for a HOT tea and our homemade (no sugar), energy bar!! From there, we headed south on the Pikes Peak Greenway back to apartment. Got a couple of very wet and some dry rags and cleaned the tires and frames, etc. before I pulled the trikes back up to our 2nd. floor apartment and tucked them in as January 2nd. brought 2 inches of fresh SNOW so we were stock on the recumbent exercise bike!

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