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How Cycling Changed Me

Discussion in 'U.S. Riders' started by NewsBot, Jul 14, 2022.  |  Print Topic

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    How Cycling Changed Me - Lucia Sattia Bicycling

    Name: Lucia Saitta
    Age: 60
    Hometown: Coeur d’Alene, Idaho
    Occupation: Paralegal
    Time Cycling: About 10 years
    Reason for Cycling: I wanted to stay a step ahead of my multiple sclerosis—I was not ready to give up or give in!

    It has been almost 15 years since my multiple sclerosis (MS) diagnosis. Honestly, that was a dark day for me. For about a year, I became withdrawn and depressed. My neurologist at that time told me that I would be in a wheelchair and unable to walk within 10 years. I knew I had to change the trajectory of my life. So I decided to turn my “pity party” into a goal to beat MS!

    I started to volunteer at various cycling events that raised funds to find a cure for my condition. Through that, I was approached by a friend, Roland Hoffman, who asked if I would like to ride tandem with him. At that time, I felt too weak to ride a bike, so I was hesitant to try—but eventually, I did.

    At the beginning, Roland would take me on his tandem around my block so I would feel comfortable on a bike. Eventually, we rode several Bike MS: Bay to Bay bike tours for multiple sclerosis research. I became comfortable and motivated to ride more. We continued to ride together until I purchased a recumbent trike of my own. This allowed me the freedom to ride solo.

    Flash forward to last month, when I attempted my first ...

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