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New to RAGBRAI? Here's everything rookies need to know before riding across Iowa

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    New to RAGBRAI? Here's everything rookies need to know before riding across Iowa Des Moines Register

    Hi, I’m Philip Joens. At age 8 in 2001 I rode my first RAGBRAI. Now I cover public safety and RAGBRAI for the Des Moines Register.

    So for the RAGBRAI Rookies out there, let me answer some basic questions about registration, camping, road etiquette, food, hygiene, entertainment and training. While putting this together I read questions online and thought of my own.

    This guide is long, so scroll to subheads you want if you have concerns about a specific topic. Yet it barely scratches the surface. If you have questions that aren't answered, give me a call or send them to me using the contact information at the end.

    More:What to know about the towns on RAGBRAI 2022, from Sergeant Bluff to Lansing

    What does RAGBRAI stand for?
    The Register’s Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa.

    How did it get started?
    In 1973, Des Moines Register copy editor John Karras and Washington columnist Donald Kaul wanted to ride their bikes across Iowa. Ten-speed bikes were a relatively new thing then and fitness fads were all the rage. So they convinced their bosses to let them ride across Iowa and have the newspaper pay for it if they wrote stories along the way. A crowd of riders joined them for what was billed The Great Six-Day Bike Trip. It was such a hit that they did it every year after that, adding a day and renaming it RAGBRAI. Now it's a professionally run event with a full-time, year-round staff.

    Is RAGBRAI a race?
    No. It's for everyone.

    How many days is it?
    Seven days on the road. But riders who go the whole week try to get to the starting town on the Saturday before the first riding day. The party starts there and a bike expo is held.

    More:Check out RAGBRAI's newly announced pass-through and meeting towns with details, highlights

    How is RAGBRAI different from other state tours?
    It’s bigger. No other bike tour has as many riders and entertainment options as RAGBRAI.

    How do I register?
    In a break with the lottery system of past years, registration is first-come, first-served online. Weeklong riders can register, as can riders who want to ride just one or a few days. Non-rider passes also are available for support drivers and others.

    How much does it cost?
    • Weeklong registration is $190.
    • Weeklong non-rider registration is $35.
    • Day passes for riders also are $35.
    When is the deadline to register?
    Register soon! Teams, individual weeklong riders and weeklong non-riders must register by April 1. Day pass riders must register by June 1. Day passes also will be sold on the route.

    Do I have to register my support vehicle?
    Yes. All drivers must register as weeklong nonriders, with the driver’s name, license plate number, make and model of the car. Only registered vehicles can enter campgrounds.

    Why should I register?
    Generally, registration covers the costs of putting together the route and holding the event. Registration also guarantees riders will have access to four ambulances and paramedic teams on the route each day.

    In addition, registration covers:
    • The cost of Iowa State Patrol Troopers to control traffic on roads.
    • SAG (support and gear) van service in the event of mechanical breakdowns or medical issues.
    • Discounts from food vendors and bike shops along the route.
    • Access to reserved vehicle parking spots in towns along the route.
    • A patch for registered riders.
    • Access to concerts in overnight towns.
    More:The secret is out: RAGBRAI route for 2022 unveiled

    Can I ride if I don’t register?
    Technically, yes. RAGBRAI is held on public roads with the help of public agencies. So organizers cannot kick a “bandit” out. But unregistered riders don't get SAG service and will be stuck with a separate bill for any medical emergencies involving an ambulance ride.

    How do I register if I did not get a wristband before registration closes?
    Check the RAGBRAI forums. Especially in the weeks before RAGBRAI, the forums are full of people selling wristbands because of injuries or schedule conflicts.

    The RAGBRAI Newbies Facebook Page and RAGBRAI XLIX Facebook Page also are great resources and may have postings for wristband sales before RAGBRAI.

    How do I sign up for parking in Sergeant Bluff or Lansing?
    The starting and ending towns coordinate with one another and information will be posted. Wristband numbers, which will be issued May 1, must be entered to sign up for parking for the week. The sign-up forms will be linked on the town pages on RAGBRAI.com.

    When will the vehicle route be released?
    RAGBRAI releases the vehicle route in July. Printed copies will be available at the Driver Safety Meeting before RAGBRAI's start in Sergeant Bluff. Maps also will be available at merchandise trailers, which are always downtown in overnight towns, and in meeting towns each day on the route...

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