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Nonprofit asks for Colorado Springs, CO help in finding stolen bikes

Discussion in 'Stolen Recumbents!' started by NewsBot, Feb 15, 2022.  |  Print Topic

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    Colorado Springs, CO – A local nonprofit is asking for help after several of their bikes were stolen on Sunday, Feb. 13.

    Arise Beyond Barriers is a nonprofit in Colorado Springs known for helping those with disabilities increase their health and well-being on their
    wheelchair “recumbent” bikes.

    Owners Tim and Tami Ashley said someone broke into their trailer on Sunday night and stole three of their bikes, totaling a loss of over $21,000.

    “You don’t know what they are thinking or what their reasons are, but I don’t even think they know what they got really as far as money goes or the people that are hurting that can only use the bikes they got,” Ashley said.
    Nonprofit asks for community’s help in finding stolen bikes




    Two yellow and purple bikes and one all-black bike were the ones taken, including a handpump for the tires. However, Ashley said it’s not the color or the price that makes these bikes special.

    “They are recumbent bikes, so every bike we had was for a different disability. One of the bikes that got stolen was a hand bike so someone who can’t use their legs can get in this bike and control it with their hands,” Ashley said.

    Arise Beyond Barriers has been in Colorado Springs since 2019. They help over 40 members and their families by removing or preventing barriers which obstruct them from doing everyday activities.

    “We get people with disabilities that think their life was over after their accidents but its not. The faces on these people when they ride these bikes is absolutely rewarding,” Ashley said.

    For the Ashley’s it’s the work that goes into getting these bikes that is hard for them to get back.

    “The money we get..we earned this. From donations and grants. It was a big thing for us our first purchase for our company. So, it’s a big thing and we have so many people that just love these bikes and they love to come and get on them and go,” Ashley said.

    Ashley said they did reach out to Colorado Springs Police Department to file a report but have yet to hear back.

    If you do see the bikes or know anything that can help contact Arise Beyond Barriers or Crime Stoppers (719)-634-STOP (7867)

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