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Meet the local heroes you nominated - Peterborough, England

Discussion in 'International Riders (Outside the U.S.)' started by NewsBot, Dec 9, 2021.  |  Print Topic

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    Morpheus by Circe Cycles
    Pride in Peterborough: Meet the local heroes you nominated - Part 1 Peterborough Telegraph

    Other finalists were:

    - Graham Davies/G-Whizz Inclusive tandem Bike Rides. Graham is described as “an inspirational individual who has managed to turn a period of such sadness into a much valued community initiative, with significant potential to enhance the lives, good health and well-being of so many people.”

    G-Whizz Inclusive Tandem Bike Rides was established in memory of Graham’s best friend, Sharyn Rutterford. It offers a unique service - tandem cycling experiences to a range of cyclists who are unable to ride a two-wheeled bike on their own. Sharyn loved cycling but when she discovered a lump at the age of 46, that made sitting on a saddle just too uncomfortable, a diagnosis rapidly followed with the awful news that Sharyn had terminal cancer.

    Determined to ride once more, Graham came across a Circe Morpheus tandem, which featured a bench seat, a semi-recumbent sitting position and an independent pedalling system which enabled them to enjoy three final rides. After the passing of Sharyn, Graham put the bike to good future use and the club was born.

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