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Short ride, display adjustments and fender install in the parking lot!

Discussion in 'Videos' started by bjjoondo, Aug 19, 2020.  |  Print Topic

  1. bjjoondo


    Colorado Springs
    ICE Sprint 2 SE

    Testing out a new homemade "Video Camera Mount"! Headed up to AngleTech to have them adjust JoLynn's display as for some reason it went from Miles and F temps to KM's and C temps, have no idea WHY? While waiting a tech, I found out they'd gotten my front fenders and post's for my Greenspeed GT20-RS so I decided to put them on in the parking lot, as the set I put on JoLynn's Trident Stowaway II was a piece of cake to install!! OH BOY, these GS front fenders are a RPIA to set up and install!!! :O I took my 2 hrs. and their still not where I really want them!! :( Oh well I'll work on them some other time, at least their "on the trike"! :) We headed east down the Sinton Trail to head north east up the Templeton Gap Trail over to Nancy Lewis Park for our brown bag lunch.

    Well JoLynn's old tail light gave up the ghost so we stopped at Ted's Bike Shop but all they had was the USB tail lights, I really wanted a cheap, battery powered unit as I don't like the limited time they last! (Note: we use 1 USB red and 1 Battery red tail light each), I just gave her my USB back up and we will check out a different shop another day. Ate lunch and headed south via the T-Gap Rd. Bike Lane over to head west on the Rock Island Trail and back to the storage unit as due to the much later start it was getting close to 4 PM. and we eat at 5 PM. normally! Put away the trikes and walked back to the apartment. Partly to mostly cloudy but HOT, 95 F+ and a bit muggy feeling, 12 miles RT. :) Note: short version of video sorry! It's all my low speed internet can handle! :)

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