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Finally got to ride again!

Discussion in 'Ride Reports' started by bjjoondo, Jan 25, 2020.  |  Print Topic

  1. bjjoondo


    Colorado Springs
    ICE Sprint 2 SE
    Well we found a place, it's still a ways over out needed budget but it's cheaper than most in C. Springs at this time. The best thing is that it's only 150 ft. from the Monument Valley Trail which is the center part of the Pikes Peak Greenway Trail thru Colorado Springs, CO. Sadly the trikes won't fit thru the Fire Doors in the complex so we had to find a close as possible storage area for them. Luck was with us and found a one just a few blocks away and at a slightly cheaper cost. Over the last two weeks between packing, moving and unpacking, setting up the apt. and COLD weather we haven't ridden any but today, (Sat. 25) we got a decent 50F and partly cloudy day and got to ride!

    We headed south on the trail to the 8th. Street Wal-Mart so we could transfer JoLynn's meds. and then rode to America the Beautiful Park and ate our brown bag lunch. Decided to take back streets over to pick up the Shooks Run Trail heading north. We stopped at a new local coffee house called the Good Neighbors Meeting House and have great hot coco!! Then continued up the trail to Safeway to pick up some protein bars, then over to the storage unit, added a couple of accessories on both trikes and walked back to apt. 52F Partly Cloudy with SUN, it felt great to ride the trikes! :)
    A.D. likes this.
  2. A.D.

    A.D. #1 Custodian

    Reynolds T-Bone
    When I look at the curved chainlink fencing in the middle picture above, I realize how much society has changed just during my lifetime. :mmm:. I remember when there was never any fencing on any overpass, much less fencing that (virtually) covers the entire overpass. :gripe:

    In the past when children were brought up with the proper values, juveniles were few and far between one another. Nowadays, in the absence of proper discipline (i.e. Proverbs 13:24) it seems that non-juveniles have become few and far between.

    I have to wonder, hundreds of years from now when/if this fencing is discovered by archeologists what will they state the purpose of the it was? To keep birds from attacking people on the overpass? I do suspect that to keep people from throwing things into the path of oncoming traffic will not be a top contender. After all, WHO would ever do such a thing and for what reason on earth would they do so?
    bjjoondo likes this.

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