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Unitarian Universalist Fellowship invites public to special themed services

Discussion in 'U.S. Riders' started by NewsBot, Nov 1, 2019.  |  Print Topic

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    Stoesz, the former executive director of Mennonite Central Committee Central States, made the journey of 2,000 miles to call attention to the injustices perpetrated on the Dakota people and the subsequent advantages to white settlers and their descendants.
    Unitarian Universalist Fellowship invites public to special themed services Salina Post

    Salina, KS - Salina’s Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 901 Beatrice, is featuring a series of services based on national monthly themes for UU fellowships across the country.

    Most recent was the theme of “Belonging.” How do we determine where we belong and who our neighbors are? The fellowship follows regular worship elements and focuses on spiritual insights into the human condition.

    The public is invited to the services.

    The Nov. 10 service presents John Stoesz, an advocate for Native American Reparations and a living example of self-devotion to rectifying the injustices they have suffered. In 2013, Stoesz pedaled his recumbent Tricycle 2,000 miles through 40 Minnesota counties to raise awareness about efforts to return Dakota land to its rightful owners.

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