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A short but tough ride!

Discussion in 'Ride Reports' started by bjjoondo, Sep 12, 2019.  |  Print Topic

  1. bjjoondo


    Colorado Springs
    ICE Sprint 2 SE
    On Sept. 11th. I loaded the Bike E into the truck and headed up to northern Colorado Springs to ride with a new member of the Colorado Front Range Recumbent Trike & Bike Network that I am the "administrator" for on Facebook. John K. has a type of MS and decided to get a trike (a nice ICE Adventure FS) to try to get back into exercise and riding. He's a large man, I'd say close to 300 LBS. He'd ridden the trike around his neighborhood but never on the local urban trails close to his home. Well the problem is that in his area the trails are STEEP with heavy uphill angles!! We started out on back streets to the Briargate Trail and ended up coming back via the Woodmen Trail, which I've never ridden on. After several steep uphills in a row he was having a tough time and I think the heat of the day was starting to get to him. We stopped several time for him to catch his breath and finally on the last BIG uphill he just couldn't go any farther! Couldn't leave him stranded so I got off the bike and "PUSHED" him up to the level part of the trail hooking up the street to get him back home!! We finally got back. LOL, next time I'm going to pick him and his trike up and we will head south for some much more "mellow" urban trails for him to get started on! :)

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