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RISE Southeastern Neighborhood Community Ride

Discussion in 'Ride Reports' started by bjjoondo, Aug 18, 2019.  |  Print Topic

  1. bjjoondo


    Colorado Springs
    ICE Sprint 2 SE
    We rode to and in the RISE South East Neighborhood Community Ride event on Saturday, although it's not actually in our local Security Community, it's as close as any active bicycle event is between Colorado Springs and Security! We usually "sweep" at these kinda events but they all ready had a established sweep rider so we just joined into the group of 20 or so riders to ride portions of the Sand Creek Urban Trail. Lot's of Kids and some adults that haven't ridden a bike in a LOT of years so it's a good "intro to bicycle riding" for the neighborhood that doesn't get much attention from the city! We always have good time, they even serve up popsicles at the turn around point at Wildflower Park! 16 miles RT, HOT, 90F+ sunny!
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