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Discussion in 'Ride Reports' started by bjjoondo, Aug 1, 2019.  |  Print Topic

  1. bjjoondo


    Colorado Springs
    ICE Sprint 2 SE
    It's rare for it to hit 90F here in Colorado Springs, CO. but we've had a whole MONTH of a heat wave, on Wed's. July 31st. it was just "too pretty" not to ride but with a temps looking at 95F+ wasn't sure how I'd weather a ride in the HEAT! Rode from Security to the southern extension of the Sand Creek Trail, off Las Vegas St. and hooked into the Pikes Peak Greenway Trail heading to America The Beautiful Park in down town Co. Springs. This is about the only trail that we have a decent series of "tree canopies" like you see on the rail trails in the mid-west and east of the USA! Got to the park and stopped for a break and a Fuji Apple, sat in the shade and checked of the cloudless blue sky over Pikes Peak and watched the kids splashing around the wading pool at the bottom of the Julie Penrose Fountain! Wanted to head up the trail to the "Crit Café", a outside café next the Criterium Bicycle Shop, right on the PPGW trail. Well "time" was getting away from me so instead headed over to the "Drive Inn" a old 50's style burger joint for a "hot dog", YIKES, I found out I forgot my wallet so "NO LUNCH" today! :( Lucky for me I always have a couple of kids Cliff Bars in my pack so I headed back to the park and sat in the shade and ate a bar. Headed home again via the PPGW trail, stopped off at the soccer/baseball fields rec. area also in the shade and ate the 2nd. bar! Headed home again under the blazing SUN, was kinda glad to get back into the house with the swamp cooler running!! 25 miles RT. There are times we, being POOR and RETIRED isn't a bad thing! :)
    The Bike E on the "Low Bridge" over Fountain Creek on the Pikes Peak Greenway Trail

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