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Trying a new way into down town Colorado Springs, CO.

Discussion in 'Videos' started by bjjoondo, Jul 29, 2019.  |  Print Topic

  1. bjjoondo


    Colorado Springs
    ICE Sprint 2 SE
    On Sunday we decided again to ride into the Springs for lunch but we wanted to take a more direct route with a LOT less HILLS! When I was growing up, we used to ride our 10 speed bikes from Security to C. Springs via Hwy. 85/87 and Las Vegas St. but over the decades, (yes, I'm OLD, LOL) Las Vegas St. has become INSANELY busy as they've added 3 different County Prisons and other "crime" related enterprises to Las Vegas St. and there's a LOT of "Semi-Trucks" using the road on Mon-Sat. We took a gamble it wouldn't be so bad on a Sunday and lucky we were right! :) Got into the Springs and headed to Louie's Pizza, they make the ONLY "thin crust" pizza we both like, got a slice and a good salad and chowed down! :) Headed back home the same way. Sunny, 80F+ with a slight breeze a real nice day to ride, that and we finally found out our "MAX speed on flat road, heading back south on 85/87, sadly it's only 18 mph. but that was FUN to try! Here is the link to the 2-vids, (part 1 & 2) on our You Tube Channel: Part 1:
    Part 2:
    A.D. likes this.

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