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Congratulations to Mike Owen | Life - Moscow-Pullman, ID

Discussion in 'U.S. Riders' started by NewsBot, Nov 27, 2018.  |  Print Topic

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    Congratulations to Mike Owen | Life Moscow-Pullman Daily News

    Palouse, ID - Mike Owen came to Avalon Care and Rehab of Pullman after sustaining a quadricep tendon tear of his right leg from a fall at his home in Potlatch, which severely impacted his mobility. He had surgery to repair the tear Sept. 4. Following the surgery, Mike suffered a stroke event which severely impacted his self-care, speech and language abilities.

    Mike was a resident at Avalon Care Center for 20 days following his hospitalization and received intensive physical, occupational and speech therapy. When Mike arrived at Avalon, he was unable to walk or bear weight on his right leg; he required extensive assistance to complete his daily tasks.

    Mike experienced word finding difficulties, impacting his ability to communicate with his loved ones. After receiving intensive therapy at Avalon, Mike was able to return home with his wife, Alice, on Oct. 20.

    He is now able to walk independently with a cane, converse with family and friends again, and he is looking forward to returning to the trails around the Palouse riding his recumbent trike.

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