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2017 Circa de Nebraska and 2018 Circa de Nebraska/Seven States Tour

Discussion in 'Ride Reports' started by iBike, Oct 15, 2018.  |  Print Topic

  1. iBike


    Tour Easy
    Ric Hines, Omaha, NE; Vic Faesser, Pawnee City, NE; Pat Grewe, Lincoln NE

    Having completed an X-USA ride in 2016, Ric planned the following year’s big event to be a bit shorter tour, and closer to home. Ric then formulated the “2017 Circa de Nebraska”, a “self-supported” ride around the entire State of Nebraska, as close to the border as possible on paved roads. This ride, completed September 1st - September 19th, finished with 1,294 miles, and coincided with Nebraska’s 150th year celebration of Statehood. Vic and Pat both joined Ric for major portions of the 2017 ride. (2017 CDN Blog: https://circadenebraska.wordpress.com/)

    It was so well-liked, that the three decided to do it again this year...with some minor route changes and a short ride into each of the states surrounding Nebraska. This year’s ride was dubbed “2018 Circa de Nebraska/Seven States Tour” and was completed August 27th - September 17th, with 1,412 miles ridden. (2018 CDN/7ST Facebook: www.facebook.com/CDN.org/)

    The two CDN rides were wonderful tours of Nebraska...from steep rolling hills, to several mile-long hills, with extreme headwinds, severe storms, high heat and humidity, puncture vine everywhere, and numerous dead rattlesnakes, coyotes, raccoons, possums, etc. But...on the positive side...relatively good roads, 98% courteous drivers, miles and miles of varied scenery that most Nebraskans have never experienced/enjoyed from a bicycle seat at 13 mph, and great people in every town ridden through/stayed at. Some Examples: The Talmage fire chief letting us stay in the fire hall meeting room, as the city park had no water/working restroom. The Trinity Lutheran Church in Stamford putting us up in the social hall as a big rain storm moved in overnight. The Keiser Farm allowing us to sleep in the machine shed as yet another big storm bore down on us just south of Enders. The Gaulke’s of McCook providing us a most needed/welcome shower and awesome dinner. The Catholic churches/priests in Chadron and Nenzel welcoming/providing us overnight accommodations in their rectories. The Weston Ranch for putting us up in their bunkhouse and providing us a home cooked dinner and breakfast in Springview.

    We met so many great folks around the entire state. Why tour anywhere else when Nebraska offers so much to see. It truly is “...the good life”!

    2018 CDN.JPG
    A.D. likes this.
  2. A.D.

    A.D. #1 Custodian

    Reynolds T-Bone
    :thumbsup: Great to read folks were so friendly and accommodating to the group, during such inclement weather.

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