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Riding a part of the Cherry Creek Trail, Denver, CO.

Discussion in 'Ride Reports' started by bjjoondo, Sep 3, 2018.  |  Print Topic

  1. bjjoondo


    Colorado Springs
    ICE Sprint 2 SE
    We loaded up the van with the trikes and headed 1hr. and 6 min. north to the McCabe Meadows Trail Head in Parker, CO. to ride some of the Cherry Creek Trail. Our ride was from the Trail Head to the Reservoir at Cherry Creek State Park. It was a beautiful day, partly cloudy, 80F with a cool breeze, we set off for what would be a 26.6 mile RT. CCT is a older, urban/openspace trail system all concrete but the older, 8ft. wide instead of the normal 12ft. wide trail but it was in very good shape and had lot's of twist and turns along the path with very good "facilities" at the trail head's all up the trail. We rode thru wooded areas, urban areas and even some semi-swamp areas with lot's of tall cattails. It has very mellow inclines and we the trail got into the urban area just about lunch time, there was a good little bakery/café we had lunch at and continued to the Reservoir. Well we almost made it, about 1 mile from the reservoir there was a "Trail Closed" sign but it happened at a restroom/bike fixing area so we turned around and headed back to the van. From the reservoir heading north it takes you into down town Denver so that will be the next segment we do when we ride the Cherry Creek Trail again!




    For more photos pls. click on the link for our Trike Blog in the signature! :)

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