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The In's, Out's and Roundabouts of XenForo

Discussion in 'XenForo: How-To' started by A.D., Dec 11, 2015.  |  Print Topic

  1. A.D.

    A.D. #1 Custodian

    Reynolds T-Bone
    Realizing there will be many who are not familiar with XenForo Forum software, I wanted to start this area for the purpose of answering questions like: 'How do I . . . ___ ?'

    Briefly, XenForo is a commercial Internet forum software package written in the PHP programming language using the Zend Framework. The software was developed by former vBulletin lead developers Kier Darby and Mike Sullivan.

    I'll try to do print-screens along with any answers so users can easily SEE what I'm referring to, and hopefully make the learning process a little easier.

    So anyway if you have a question :o_O9, about how to do anything within XenForo, please ask it here.

    As I have time I'll try and clear up any 'Clouds of Confusion' for everyone, and what we don't know, we'll all learn together!

    Don't be shy, because if you're wondering how to do something I guarantee you others are too. :wink9:

    By the way, if you see someone post an inquiry here that YOU know the answer to, please go ahead and respond. :yes9: The more helping out here, the merrier! :jiggy9:

    And feel free once you've conquered something, to share just how you managed to do it with others!

    In closing, realize we have a Test Forum setup so you can experiment and try stuff out for yourself while you're getting the hang of things around here.

    HINT: Opening a 2nd window will make it very easy to read any of these instructions in one window, while you actually perform the steps in another window.


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